IFÀ : "The Wisdom of Nature"
Meji Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Ogbe Oyeku Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Iroso Ojuani Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Ojuani Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Obara Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Okana
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Ika Otura Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Irete Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Oshe Ofun
Meji Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Ofun
Ogbe Oyeku Iwori Odi Iroso Ojuani Obara
Okana Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon Otura Irete Oshe
Isaac Sierra
Babalawo / AstroPsychologist
IFÀ Priest
[ Babalawo - Awo Ni Orunmila ]
Board Certified
Holistic Health Practitioner
[ American Association of Drugless Practitioners ]
Ph.D. in Metaphysical Theology
Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Counseling
[ University of Metaphysical Sciences ]
Certified Astropsychologist
[ Academy of AstroPsychology ]